Artificial Intelligence: a great ally for Marketing and Social Media

It is paradoxical to think that a machine, as it is said colloquially, knew how to catch with more accuracy the future behaviour of an user, better than a human.

If we consider the vast information which there are on the Internet, and the quantity of users who have access to these informations, it would be unabated that a human could carry on this job.

Because of that, so much enterprises invests money to this resource, but, why?

The base of any company are their users, their consumers, their public. And the Artificial Intelligence has to give a lot to anybody, as consumer o future consumer of a entreprise. The AI has qualities which contributes benefies to a company during all the customer acquisiton process:

  • To generate content and cured contents specifically to an user
  • Voice Searches
  • To predict an user’s behaviour
  • Costumer service and chatbots
As I say, the costumers are the foundation the company’s success, and their mood, are one of the principal arguments of that success.

In this point, we have to wonder: how see the consumers of a company to be assisted by a machine? I think that the resources that offers the AI are very necesaries and interesting to the own company, but I believe that the AI using is bad to costumers.

All marketing experts agree on one of the most important tends to the new 2019 will be chatbots, specially on Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger. I disagree a little here, because these formats can be view so much intrusive, and the consumer service by bots can be view negatively.

And for content curation, I believe that the assistance which gives AI is very relevant: generation and content curation automatically, to compile resources, personally announces… anyway, AI is a great allí to content curation.


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